fun main(args:Array<String>){ val a=(0..3).flatMap{_->readLine()!!+" "}.split(" ").map{a->a.toInt() for(z in 8 downTo 0)a[z]-=a[9+z%3] println(-(a[7]*(a[3]*a[2]-a[0]*a[5])+a[6]*(a[1]*a[5]-a[4]*a[2])+a[8]*(a[0]*a[4]-a[3]*a[1]))/6) }
61 93 78 77 43 26 52 51 87 03 20 16
/tmp/code.kt:5:2: error: expecting '}' } ^ /tmp/code.kt:2:14: error: type inference failed: inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> cannot be applied to receiver: IntRange arguments: ((Int) -> String) val a=(0..3).flatMap{_->readLine()!!+" "}.split(" ").map{a->a.toInt() ^ /tmp/code.kt:2:21: error: type mismatch: inferred type is (Int) -> String but (Int) -> Iterable<???> was expected val a=(0..3).flatMap{_->readLine()!!+" "}.split(" ").map{a->a.toInt() ^ /tmp/code.kt:2:58: error: cannot infer a type for this parameter. Please specify it explicitly. val a=(0..3).flatMap{_->readLine()!!+" "}.split(" ").map{a->a.toInt() ^ /tmp/code.kt:3:25: error: assignment operators ambiguity: public open fun <ERROR FUNCTION>(): [ERROR : <ERROR FUNCTION RETURN TYPE>] defined in root package public open fun <ERROR FUNCTION>(): [ERROR : <ERROR FUNCTION RETURN TYPE>] defined in root package for(z in 8 downTo 0)a[z]-=a[9+z%3] ^ Error: Unable to access jarfile code.jar rm: can't remove '/tmp/code.jar': No such file or directory