. Ajax,. Page,. Puck,. Act I:. Scene I:. [Enter Ajax and Puck] Ajax: You be the square the sum a big big big sky and a big sky. [Exit Puck] [Enter Page] Ajax: You zero. Scene II:b. Page: Openthymind. Be you worse than a big big big big sky? If so, let us return to c. Ajax: You be the sum twice you and the sum I and the sum a big big big big war and a big big big big big war. Let us return to b. Scene III:c. Ajax: You be the sum twice twice twice you and a sky. Be you as red as the square the square root you? If so, you cat. If not, you zero. Openthyheart. [Exit Page] [Enter Puck] Ajax: You be the sum you and a big war. Be you as red as zero? [Exit Puck] [Enter Page] Ajax: You zero. If not, let us return to b. [Exeunt]