for 0:49 disp(mod((8*base2dec(fgetl(stdin),2)+1)^0.5,2)==1) endfor
10110100 00001111 00101101 10101011 01011011 11011010 10010010 00000010 00000011 00011100 01111000 11111010 01011110 11100101 01000010 11111101 10001100 00100100 11010010 00110111 10010000 11010101 01111000 11111000 00000110 11100110 10000001 00111011 00110010 00010101 10111011 01001110 00001010 01110001 01000011 01110011 00001100 10101000 00000000 00000001 10101011 10111110 01101001 10011001 01101110 00001101 10101111 01111111 10001000 11100111
octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set octave: disabling GUI features parse error near line 1 of file /volume/CODE invalid constant left hand side of assignment >>> for 0:49 disp(mod((8*base2dec(fgetl(stdin),2)+1)^0.5,2)==1) endfor ^ error: source: error sourcing file '/volume/CODE' error: execution exception in /volume/CODE