With Ada.Text_IO; Use Ada.Text_IO; With Ada.Integer_Text_IO; Use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Program is type Binary_array is array(0..99) of Integer; type Decimal_array is array(0..33) of Integer; bin: Binary_array; dec: Decimal_array; dec_len: Integer := 0; num: Integer := 0; char: String := "A"; begin -- your code goes here for i in 0..99 loop get(char); if char = "0" then bin(i) := 0; else bin(i) := 1; end if; end loop; for i in 0..33 loop num := 0; for j in 0..99 loop num := num * 2; num := num + bin(j); bin(j) := num / 10; num := num rem 10; end loop; dec(i) := num; end loop; for i in 0..33 loop put(dec(33 - i), 0); end loop; end Program;